Blame it on Human Nature?

Firstly, I should mention that pesky mosquitoes can carry West Nile fever and malaria! Let's face it, mosquitoes are a threat to humanity!

I just read a story on Yahoo! NEWS about how mosquitoes (mostly the mosquito larvae) are camping out on tourist boats (and planes) until they get to the Galapagos Islands where they wreak havoc on the native Galapagos species.

Well now we've got to fix this problem! My solution for mosquito larvae has always been goldfish. For this much larger mosquito larvae problem I think that we need a much bigger solution!

What do you think?

If you want to read the story for yourself, here is the link :

This sort of thing reminds me, how much of an impact that I can have on the planet (whether it be good or bad).

* SunnyStars *

This little Light of mine, I'm gonna let it Shine!

Somehow, I knew that humans and other animals gave off measurable amounts of light. Now finally some awesome scientist in Japan have created a super sensitive camera that's capable of detecting this weak light that we people emit.

Allow me to shed some more light on the subject... (little joke).....

Although we can't see the light that humans shine with our eyes, we can finally see this light thanks to machines (super-sensitive cameras). Not only can these machines change the future of medical technology but imagine the new things that we can learn about ourselves now that we can actually view this light!

"We are truly illuminated!"

Check out this Yahoo! post to learn more

One thing is for sure,, "You learn somethin' new every day."

Until next time,

* SunnyStars *